With its climate of mild winters and relatively cool summers, the East Neuk of Fife has proved to be an ideal location for growing both fruit and vegetables. Strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are Barnsmuir’s main crops with a variety of soft fruits grown in polythene tunnels, some of which are heated to improve fruit quality and extend the summer season. The picking season begins with strawberries in April, closely followed by raspberries, blackberries and finally blueberries which finish in November. The vegetable crops – broccoli, cauliflower, kale and cabbage – are harvested over the summer, autumn and winter months. Combine harvesting of the wheat and barley crops usually takes place in August.

Two modern packhouses ensure Barnsmuir fruit and vegetables are picked and packed on site to maintain freshness and quality.
Barnsmuir Farm is a member of Angus Growers Ltd, a soft fruit producer organisation based in Arbroath, which markets fresh fruit to major supermarkets, shops, restaurants and food and drinks manufacturers. Broccoli and cauliflower are produced for East of Scotland Growers Ltd, a farmer owned cooperative based in Cupar.